At Monstro Ventures, we seek to invest in technology companies that we’re proud of. Despite it’s simplicity, this statement gets to the core of our investing philosophy. We want to foster inventive products, services or processes that positively impact the world. Whether it is having more fun playing with your friends - or saving lives through technological prowess, we want them all to have a positive impact, be forward thinking, make money, and ultimately… wait for it… ultimately make the world a better place.
Not only do we seek companies that we believe exhibit these qualities, we seek founders who are stubborn in the belief of their success – who are smart, calculated and driven enough to make it almost inevitable.
We invest when we’re just as inspired and passionate about these companies as the founders are and feel honored by their belief in choosing us to back them. This is where where the Monstro Ventures value proposition comes full circle and where we bring more than money to the table. Before Monstro Ventures came to be, we were Monstro the ad agency specializing in video storytelling. Our goal for a significant percentage of our investments is to use the agency to craft an engaging story promoting and marketing your product to share that same passion and inspiration to its potential users,, customers, partners, and future employees to as broad a swath of its target as possible.
Targeted Investments
We comb through the details, ensuring we truly understand the essence of our clients' pursuits. Their goals become ours. We direct all of our collective resources toward their success.
A Wealth of Expertise
With backgrounds in television, journalism, online video network development & programming, marketing video production & strategy we offer strategy and consultation for our portfolio companies.
Expert Advisors
We are very lucky to enjoy a vast network of friends, colleagues, investors, and advisors that help strengthen our investments and opportunities.
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Wearable Tech
Suspendisse lobortis pulvinar mauris eget placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis molestie leo, sed efficitur dui. Nulla cursus turpis quis mattis rutrum.

Farm to Table Delivery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis molestie leo, sed efficitur dui. Nulla cursus turpis quis mattis rutrum. Suspendisse lobortis pulvinar mauris eget placerat.